The Products
Tifoo Black Devil Bluing set – Immersion bluing

Tifoo Black Devil Bluing
The cold bluing set „Tifoo Black Devil“ allows you to do yourself easy bluing of ferruginous surfaces (unalloyed steel, iron, castings) and to save time and money.
The bluing concentrate can be used in pure state on steel with a chromium content of 3 to 12%, diluted at a proportion of 1:2 on steel with a chromium content of under 3% and diluted at a proportion of 1:3 for little alloyed and construction steel. The bluing with our product or our set is not only nice to look at, but protects also the material. The Tifoo bluing allows you to blacken entire components or small replacement parts and to restore already existing bluings. It is suitable for screws, small car parts, weapon accessories and workpieces of industry an commerce (see our application video).
Tifoo Black Magic Fast bluing – Brushed bluing

Tifoo Black Magic
Fast Bluing
The Black Magic Quick Browning is a brush browning solution and can be used for the browning / blackening of iron and steel containing less than 3% chromium. It can be applied to larger surface areas and to the renovation of damaged spots. Application fields are the browning of arms, weapons and tools made from steel. Decayed weapons become like new again. No tedious dipping and staining processes are needed anymore. Hence the Tifoo quick browning saves you time and money. Hence it is the ideal corrosion protection. The so-called „cold browning process“ blackens iron and steel in deep black color and renders an exclusive look. There is no prior knowledge needed for the use of the Tifoo Quick Browning.
Tifoo Patination

Patinated nuts
For the creation of impressive antique effects on metal surfaces, the use of the Tifoo patination is the method of choice. It is suitable for the patination of copper, brass or bronze pieces. Contact of the patination solution with the blank and cleaned metal surface immediately forms a bluish black or deep black deposit. As soon as the desired effect is achieved, the patination process can be easily stopped by rinsing of the object with water. By mixing with various additives, amazing colour effects can be obtained. The patination solution does not have to be heated and does not contain any aggressive base.
Tifoo Silver patination

Tifoo Silver Patination
With the Tifoo silver patination, you can quickly blacken silver and give decorative objects an antique appearance. The silver patination works reliably with broochs, rings and necklaces made from silver as well as silver alloys (800, 830 and 925 Sterling silver). If applied with a fine pen or brush, exceedingly filigree paintings on silver surfaces can be created. The use of stencils is also possible.